Balham Professional End of Tenancy Cleaning

cleaningPlanning to move out? Or you simply want your new place to look fresh and smashingly clean for you? All of that and much more is possible with out end of tenancy cleaning service. We are located in Balham and we have been providing outstanding and extremely satisfying end cleaning results to all of our customers.

Scheduling a cleaning with us is easy and very rewarding- you are going to gain much more than you are going to spend. Our cleaning is very thorough and effective, we are able to clean off stains of various origin and make your home ready and shining bright for you.

Our service is available for partial cleanings as well, one room, two rooms or the entire house/apartment. We will cover every inch of the property, inspecting and providing the most amazing cleaning results possible.

End Of Tenancy

  • Studio Flatfrom £129
  • One Bedroom Flatfrom £179
  • Two Bedroom Flatfrom £209
  • Three Bedroom Flatfrom £245

    The team of cleaning technicians we will send to your house will make sure that you are utterly satisfied with the cleaning results- the customized cleaning plan we will put in action will be based on your ideas, opinion and preferences of how you would like to have your property cleaned.

    We guarantee that nowhere else in Balham will you come across such diligent, effective and thorough end-cleaning results. We will have your kitchen, as well as any other room on the property, cleaned to perfection and sanitized correctly.

    Cooking appliances, electric appliances and all surfaces will be refreshed and renewed- our cleaners will remove the burnt off your oven, the oily stains on the stove and on the kitchen counter, any other stains with unknown origin will be scrapped right off without harming the surface.

    The carpets, rugs and drapes will also be dusted off, vacuumed and treated with environment-friendly cleaning materials which represent no danger to you or your home environment whatsoever.

    Stay green and safe with our professional cleaning – we rely completely and entirely on natural, earth-based materials and we are strongly against the use of chemical-based cleaners, as they can be dangerous for your health and spoil the air-quality of the place.

    “My rental place looked awful when I was moving out and this is why I decided to trust this company and I hired their end of tenancy cleaning service. I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of their work because the price which I paid wasn’t high at all.“

    I used your service for an end of tenancy cleaning of my flat. The entire booking process was very fast and efficient. I was out for a couple of hours and when I returned to the place everywhere was sparkling. I have no hesitations in recommending the company, the cleaners and the service.

    Company Information for Balham

    Here at our company Cleaners Agency London we take pride in offering the most reliable, affordable and efficient professional cleaning. Founded plenty of years ago, our company is a leading contractor for professional cleaning services for both homes and business in the British capital – London.

    With a stellar reputation for the highest quality and integrity, we deliver outstanding cleaning sessions and services customised to our customers’ personal requirements and requests. By turning to our company you can be assured of professional standards and utmost dependability at a reasonable rate.

    We deliver an individual, professional cleaning services with guaranteed satisfying final results. Our goal it to keep on providing our hundreds of customers with the same highly effective service we gave to our very first customer many years ago. We are London’s leaders when it comes to professional cleaning services. Make sure to get in touch with us and we well show you our best.

    Moving out can be stressful enough so do not try to complicate it even more. Instead, get in touch with our company and request your end of tenancy cleaning services. With so much weight for you to carry, we wish to take the burden off your shoulders. We have been cleaning rented properties for plenty of years already so we best know what your landlord expects from you. With a wealth of knowledge and skills, we guarantee the high standard of cleanliness that will meet even the most exacting of inspections.

    Our heartfelt advice is not to count on our professional cleaners instead of trying to do the final cleaning on your own. We understand that there are many demanding landlords who expect much from their tenants. Fortunately, we can meet their requirements and help you keep your security deposit. Place your trust in us and find us in and around Balham. We are open seven days of the week and people can book us even on bank holidays. For your convenience, we bring our own cleaning equipment so there is nothing for you to worry about. Hurry up and dial the number of our company already.