Plumstead Professional End of Tenancy Cleaning

cleaningWhen leaving a property, every tenant has heaps of things to do and on the top of that they are obliged to carry out a comprehensive overall cleaning, otherwise, the landlord may nag about the level of cleanliness. We are the leading cleaning contractor in Plumstead and everyone, who wants to save themselves any squabbles, as well as some time, is welcome to make use of our qualified cleaning personnel.

What we offer our clients is a flexible schedule, moderate prices and the most important, a cleaning solution in relation to their individual needs. We are fully aware of the fact that you want to get great value for money and won’t disappoint you. After our performance, every area of your leased property will be gleaming and your landlord extremely satisfied.

End Of Tenancy

  • Studio Flatfrom £129
  • One Bedroom Flatfrom £179
  • Two Bedroom Flatfrom £209
  • Three Bedroom Flatfrom £245

    Our company in Plumstead is able to provide you with a deep and comprehensive cleaning of every nook and cranny of your rented flat or house, carried out by several fully trained and professionally equipped cleaning specialist with solid expertise in post-tenancy cleaning.

    As soon as they are with you, they will get to work and after several hours you will be able to enjoy the exceptional results of their performance. Our skilful operatives are competent enough to eliminate all stubborn dirt deposits and ensure the scrupulous cleanliness required by your landlord.

    The best part of using our end of tenancy cleaning is that we give a guarantee for a positive outcome. In case your property is inspected within 48 hours after we have cleaned it and the inventory clerk has any remarks, we will come back and reclean the specific areas free of charge.

    If you think that our first class end of tenancy cleaning is the solution that you need, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our friendly call centre representatives are always available to answer questions.

    “My parents were already on foot to help with my moving out process before I told them that I had already taken care of everything. By that I meant that I hired your services and it barely scratched my bank account. So the service was subtle and the price was nice.”

    I booked the end of tenancy cleaning of this company a week ago but now I wanted to tell how happy I am that did. The housekeepers helped me a lot and thanks to them I was able to keep the security deposit in full. The service is worth every penny.

    Are you wondering how will you succeed with all those tasks when moving out? You need to pack your things and move them into the new place, while having work on your mind and probably million other things to worry about. One thing, most landlords require, which is very important for not only the refund on your deposit money, your good end-terms with your landlord, but for the new tenants as well, is the cleaning of the place you will be leaving.

    As a professional cleaning agency, operating in Plumstead, we want to make sure our help is considered. For the thorough cleaning of your rented property, you can always safely rely on our professional end of tenancy cleaning service!

    With the help of specialised tools and eco-friendly cleaning products, our experienced cleaners will be able to completely clean the whole property without leaving dust, dirt or bacteria anywhere!

    You should book our end of tenancy cleaning, also because it is suitable for different types of properties throughout the whole area of Plumstead. We guarantee impressive results and 48 hours of perfectly cleaned surfaces, which can and will pass any inspection of the property! Trust us, because we have never disappointed a client of ours and we will certainly not disappoint you!